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Crajun rice
Matt Turner
By Matt Turner

Crajun rice

9 steps
What happens when you make seasoned rice but add in cajun beef. Gluten free Seed oil free
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 01:05:22 GMT

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Step 1
Warm the rondeau up at medium high heat and then add 1 tbl butter. Cover bottom with the butter and add onions. Cook onions until translucent.
Sauce PanSauce Pan
sweet onionsweet onion1
butterbutter3 tbl
Step 2
Add garlic and cook until fragant or there is a glaze on bottom of pan.
cloves garliccloves garlic2
Step 3
Add white wine vingar and deglaze the pan.
white wine vinegarwhite wine vinegar2 tsp
Step 4
Turn heat down to medium and then add the beef and cajun seasoning. Cook until browned.
ground beefground beef2 lbs
cajun seasoningcajun seasoning1 tbl
Step 5
Add in broth, rice, remaining butter, and remaining seasonings. Not the peas or feta. Stir to combine.
parselyparsely2 tbl
garlic powdergarlic powder1 tsp
onion powderonion powder1 tsp
thymethyme½ tsp
season saltseason salt1 tbl
paprikapaprika1 tsp
black pepperblack pepper1 tsp
butterbutter3 tbl
jasmine ricejasmine rice2 cups
unslated chicken broth4 cups
Step 6
Turn heat to just above low and cover for 10 mins
Step 7
Add peas and recover. Cook for 5 more mins
frozen peasfrozen peas1 cup
Step 8
Uncover and let rest for a few minutes.
Step 9
Serve and add feta and additional cajun seasoning to taste. Mix in and enjoy