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Butternut Bean Stew
Chloe Brown
By Chloe Brown

Butternut Bean Stew

4 steps
Updated at: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 11:18:43 GMT

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Step 1
Heat the oil in a pan and add the onions, squash and bell peppers. Stir regularly for 5-10 minutes until starting to brown.
rapeseed oilrapeseed oil1 Tbsp
butternut squashbutternut squash1
white onionwhite onion1
bell peppersbell peppers2
Step 2
Add garlic and cook. Then, add the stock, tomatoes, red lentils, oregano, and chilli flakes. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, add a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
garlicgarlic4 cloves
vegetable stock cubevegetable stock cube1
canned tomatoescanned tomatoes400g
dried red lentilsdried red lentils50g
dried oreganodried oregano1 heaped tsp
chilli flakeschilli flakes½ tsp
Step 3
Add the beans and spinach (and coconut milk if using). Heat for a further 10 minutes, check the squash is cooked through (until tender). Serve with a good grind of black pepper and a sprinkle of parsley.
spinach frozenspinach frozen80g
parsleyparsley1 Tbsp
black pepperblack pepper
can coconut milkcan coconut milk0.25
Step 4
Freezing instructions: Suitable for freezing once cooked. Then defrost in the fridge and reheat in the mircowave or on a hob until piping hot throughout.