By Mama Cravings Kitchen
Bacon Flour Tortillas
If you love bacon then these are the perfect tortillas for you 😋
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 03:01:33 GMT
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24 servings
Step 1

1- Mix flour with bacon grease and bacon bits until you have coarse crumbs. Mix salt in warm water and gently stir water in flour mixture until a shaggy like dough is formed.
Step 2

Transfer dough onto a floured surface and knead your dough for 5 to 10 minutes until a soft dough it's formed. Remember the more love you give your dough the better tortillas you will have, So work that dough very well. Put your dough in a bowl and cover with plastic. Let your dough rest for about 30 minutes to an hour.
Step 3

Make your dough into small balls (Testales), about 1/3 cup size testales. Heat your griddle on medium to high heat. Use a rolling pin to roll the testales into an 8/ 10 inch size tortilla, use extra four to help the process when rolling the tortillas and transfer to griddle.
Step 4

Cook your tortilla for about 15 seconds until it starts to change colors, flip your tortilla and cook for another 20 to 30 seconds or until brown spot form on the bottom part then flip one last time until brown spots are form on the opposite side. Remove from griddle and onto a kitchen towel. Don't forget to add the secret ingredient, LOVE ❤
Step 5
Watch full video with instructions on Mamacravingskitchen on Tik Tok, Facebook, IG and YouTube. To store your tortillas keep them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Step 6
You can add 1 tsp of baking powder if that is your choice but it's not needed.
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