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By feichang

Eggplant with Spicy Garlic Sauce

Chinese Name of Dish: 鱼香茄子 Please adjust condiment levels according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:01:19 GMT

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Step 1
Cut egg plant, wood ear, and carrots into small pieces. Set aside for later use. Make sauce of the dish: combine measured soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, mushroom powder, water, corn starch and cooking wine together, and set aside for later use. (将茄子、木耳和胡萝卜切成小块备用。调鱼香酱汁:混合量好的生抽酱油、蚝油、香醋、黑糖、菌菇粉、水、玉米淀粉和料酒。料汁搅拌均匀备用。)
Step 2
In a heated skillet, add avocado oil. Add soy paste, carrots, ginger, and minced garlic to the skillet, stir fry till carrots soften. (起锅烧油,加入一勺豆瓣酱、胡萝卜、蒜末和姜末。均匀翻炒至胡萝卜变软。)
Step 3
Add egg plant to the skillet, cook for 3-5 minutes or until softens. Add wood ear, stir fry for 3-5 minutes. (在热锅中加入茄子炒至变软后加入木耳,翻炒3-5分钟。)
Step 4
Add chili pepper, Chinese hot sauce, and prepared sauce in step 1 in order into the skillet with mixing in between each addition. Dish is ready to be served after everything is well mixed together (待所有食材超软以后加入辣椒面、老干妈和第一步准备的料汁。每加入一样调料就翻炒1-2分钟。待所有调料搅拌均匀后即可出锅。)