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Pesto Pasta
By feichang

Pesto Pasta

Chinese Name of Dish: 意式罗勒绿酱意面 Used chicken boneless thigh, can substitute to other kind of protein. Please adjust condiment levels according to liking/preference. For a more flavorful pasta, bake the finished pasta in oven for 10 minutes.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:02:58 GMT

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Step 1
Heat a pot of salt water and bring to boil. Add pasta to boiled salt water and let cook for 10 minutes. Drain pasta water and add olive oil to drained pasta. Let pasta cool in cold water and set aside. The olive oil will prevent pasta from sticking together. (将盐水煮沸,加入意大利面煮10分钟或至意大利面煮软。将意大利面捞出,沥干水分,加入橄榄油并搅拌均匀。橄榄油能防治意大利面在冷却的过程中粘在一起。将沾有橄榄油的意大利面加入冷水中冷却备用。)
Step 2
Cut chicken into bite size. Marinate chicken in cooking wine to remove earthy flavor. Heat skillet over medium-high heat, and add avocado oil. Add chicken to heated skillet, and cook until it turns golden color, remove chicken from heat and set aside. (将鸡肉切成小块,加入料酒去腥。起锅烧油加入腌制好的鸡肉,炒至金黄色后捞出。)
Step 3
Cut mushroom, tomatoes, spinach into bite size. Heat skillet over medium-high heat, and add avocado oil. Add minced garlic, tomatoes, spinach and mushroom in order and stir for 3-5 minutes in between of addition. (将蘑菇、番茄和菠菜切成小块。另起锅烧油,依次加入蒜蓉、番茄、菠菜和蘑菇,加入食材之间翻炒3-5分钟。)
Step 4
Drain cold water that is soaking the pasta, and add drained pasta and cooked chicken back to skillet. Mix all contents together for 10 minutes. Add pesto, salt, black pepper to skillet, and thoroughly mix in heat for 5 minutes. (把意大利面从冷水中捞出,沥干水分后加入锅中。将炒好的鸡肉也加入锅中,所有食材翻炒10分钟。加入绿酱、盐、黑胡椒,将调料搅拌均匀约5分钟。)
Step 5
Turn off heat, and add Parmesan cheese. Mix cheese into pasta thoroughly and it’s ready to serve! (关火后加入帕玛森奶酪,搅拌均匀后即可出锅。)