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By feichang

Seaweed Egg and Oyster Mushroom Soup

Chinese Name of Dish: 紫菜鸡蛋蛋花汤 Please adjust condiment levels according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 10:38:29 GMT

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Step 1
Soak dry seaweed in water for 15 mins. Remove water from seaweed and set aside.(把紫菜放入冷水中泡15分钟后,沥干水分备用。)
Step 2
Crack two eggs and mix eggs white and egg yolk together, and set aside. (将鸡蛋打散备用)
Step 3
Cut carrots, corn, winter melon, scallion and mushroom into small pieces. (将胡萝卜、玉米、冬瓜、香菇切成小块备用。香葱切成葱花备用。)
Step 4
In boiling water, add seaweed and bring it to boil. Add prepped carrots, corn, winter melon, and mushroom to the pot, and bring to boil again. (在沸水中加入紫菜,待锅中再次煮沸后加入切好的胡萝卜、玉米粒、冬瓜和蘑菇,再次煮沸。)
Step 5
Add dry shrimp to the pot, and add egg to the soup slowly in a circular motion. Don’t stir the egg immediately after it is in the pot as it will not be made into egg flower. (待锅煮沸后加入虾米,缓慢加入鸡蛋液制成蛋花。鸡蛋加入锅中时千万不得立即搅匀,否则鸡蛋将不会凝结成蛋花。)
Step 6
After contents are boiled for 5 mins, add salt to the soup and remove it from the stove. Add scallions to the finished soup as garnish. (锅中汤水煮沸5分钟后,加盐调味。关火后在汤中加入葱花。)