By Jelena B
Veggie Burger
1 step
by SimpleVeganBlog
Updated at: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 21:07:13 GMT
Nutrition balance score
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4 servings

½ cupflax seeds

½ cupcanned chickpeas
or cooked

½ cupcanned kidney beans
or cooked

4 Tbsptahini

2 Tbspsoy sauce
or tamari

½ cupnutritional yeast

1 tsponion powder

1 tspgarlic powder

black pepper
to taste

1 cupspinach

extra virgin olive oil
to taste

burger buns

for serving, we used tomato onion and avocado
Step 1
Grind the flax seeds in a food processor, grinder or blender.
You can place the flax seeds, chickpeas and beans in a bowl and mash them with a fork or a potato masher or blend them in a food processor, you choose.
Place the mixture in a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients (tahini, soy sauce, yeast, onion powder, garlic powder, pepper and spinach). Mix with your hands and make 4 patties.
Heat some oil in a frying pan and cook the patties until golden brown.
Serve on bread with your favorite veggies