By Laura Marie
The green box
7 steps
Can be very flexible :)
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:46:33 GMT
Nutrition balance score
Uh-oh! We're unable to calculate nutrition for this recipe because some ingredients aren't recognized.
2 servings
Homemade pesto

fresh basil

fresh coriander

lemon zest

lemon juice

red chilli


cashew nuts

olive oil

dried mixed herbs

dried mint

black pepper

Green salad options
Green fruit options
Green snack ideas
Step 1
Boil noodles
Step 2
Cut courgette into strips and fry
Step 3
Blend together all ingredients to make the pesto
Step 4
Combine noodles, courgette and pesto and let cool
Step 5
Choose which green veggies and fruit you want and combine into salads - flexible
Step 6
Choose green snack
Step 7
Add to box :)