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By feichang

Kimchee Soft Tofu Soup

6 steps
Chinese name of dish: 嫩豆腐汤 Please adjust condiment levels according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 07:34:33 GMT

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Step 1
Cut zucchini, onion, and tofu into small pieces. Cut scallions in horizontal round pieces, separate the white root parts from the green top part. (将西葫芦、洋葱和豆腐切成小块备用。将葱切成葱花,分开葱白和绿葱花。)
Step 2
In ground pork, add cooking wine and minced ginger to eliminate earthy flavor. (猪肉末中加入料酒和姜末去腥。)
Step 3
In a heated pot, add sesame oil, onion, and white scallions. Stir fry contents for 1-2 minutes and add in ground pork. Stir fry for another 2 minutes, and add in zucchini. Stir fry for 3 minutes (起锅加入芝麻油。加入洋葱和葱白翻炒均匀。翻炒2分钟后加入腌好的猪肉末。再次翻炒2分钟后加入西葫芦。)
Step 4
Thoroughly mix in ingredients and add in kimchee, soy sauce, minced garlic, red pepper flakes, and gochujang. Mix contents together and add in water. Bring contents to boiling. (均匀翻炒食材后加入泡菜、蒜末、酱油、辣椒面和韩式辣酱。食材搅拌均匀后加入适量清水,等待煮沸。)
Step 5
In boiling soup, add enoki mushroom, clam and tofu. Bring the contents to boiling again. (汤水煮沸后加入金针菇、蚬和豆腐。等待汤水再次煮沸。)
Step 6
Once soup is boiling again, turn off heat and add a pinch of black pepper. Crack an egg in the soup and sprinkle some green scallion on top. And it’s now ready to serve! Add salt if it is not salty for you.(待锅中食材再次煮沸,关火并加入一点黑胡椒。在汤中打一个鸡蛋并撒上葱花。不够咸的话可以按需要加盐。)