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By feichang

Egg and Mixed Vegetable Fried Brown Rice

5 steps
Chinese name of dish: 糙米蛋炒饭 Spinach can be replaced by other kinds of green veggie (e.g lettuce) Please adjust condiment amount according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:49:35 GMT

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Step 1
Cook brown rice in rice cooker. Best if use leftover rice that has been stored in refrigerator. (将糙米煮熟,有隔夜冷藏的米饭更佳)
Step 2
Crack eggs in bowl and mix yolk with egg white, add a little bit of salt to the egg mix. Heat frying pan in medium high heat, and add avocado oil to heated pan. Add egg mix to pan, and quickly stir to get scrambled egg consistency. Remove egg from pan once fully cooked. (将鸡蛋在碗中打散,加入少许盐提鲜。起锅烧油,加入鸡蛋,快速滑散,炒熟后盛出。)
Step 3
Cut mushrooms and spinach into smaller pieces. Heat frying pan again, and add avocado oil. Add frozen corn to the pan, stir fry for 1-2 minutes, then add mushroom, minced garlic, and spinach to the mix. (将菠菜和蘑菇切成小块。起锅烧油,加入冷冻玉米粒,在锅中翻炒1到2分钟后加入蘑菇、蒜蓉和菠菜继续翻炒。)
Step 4
Remove contents in frying pan and set aside. Add cold brown rice to frying pan and reheat. Once brown rice is fully reheated, add back contents (mushrooms, egg, spinach, and corn) to the frying pan. Mixed the contents together. (将锅中食材盛出备用。在热锅中加入冷糙米,将糙米加热。糙米加热完毕后,将玉米、菠菜、蘑菇、鸡蛋重新加入锅中继续翻炒均匀,)
Step 5
Cut scallion into small pieces. Add soy sauce and scallion to the fried rice, or spicy sauce if you preferred. Once soy sauce and scallion are well distributed in the fried rice, turn off heat. (将小葱切成葱花备用。在炒饭中加入酱油和葱花,根据喜好还可以加入辣酱。待酱油和葱花均匀搅拌入米饭后即可关火。)