By feichang
Cabbage And Pork Stir fry
Chinese Name of Dish: 包菜炒肉
( the amount of condiments can be adjusted according to liking and preferences)
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:28:36 GMT
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4 servings
Step 1
Cut cabbage and pork into small pieces. Immerse the sliced pork loin in cooking wine (包菜和猪肉切小块备用,在切好的猪肉里加入料酒去除土腥味)
Step 2
Heat up the frying pan, and add avocado oil. Stir fry the pork loin till almost fully cooked. (起锅烧油炒熟切好的猪里脊)
Step 3
Remove cooked pork loin from frying pan. Add avocado oil to the heated pan again, and add cabbage, red pepper flakes, and minced garlic. Stir fry contents for 3 minutes. (捞出猪里脊后,烧油依次加入包菜,粗辣椒面,蒜末。翻炒均匀后倒入炒好的猪里脊。)
Step 4
After stir frying the contents, add the cooked pork loin back to the frying pan and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add a teaspoon of salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, and mushroom powder to the content. Stir fry for another 3-5 minutes.(翻炒均匀后加入炒好的猪里脊,继续翻炒。随后加入少许盐,酱油,醋,蚝油,菌菇粉,再次翻炒均匀后即可出锅)
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