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By feichang

Chicken Stir-fry Rice Noodle

7 steps
Chinese name of dish: 鸡肉包菜炒粉 Please adjust condiments level according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 04:52:48 GMT

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Step 1
Soak rice noodles in cold water for 10 minutes. This step will soften dry rice noodles and make it easier for a thorough cook in boiling water later. Cook soaked rice noodle in cold water in a pan over medium/high heat. (将干米粉泡入冷水,把米粉泡软方便之后煮熟。将泡好的米粉冷水下锅,沸水中煮至变软后捞出。)
Step 2
Cut chicken into bite size. Marinate for 5 minutes in minced ginger and cooking wine. (将鸡肉切成小块,用姜末和料酒腌制5分钟)
Step 3
Cut carrots, cabbage, and mushroom into small pieces. (将包菜、胡萝卜和蘑菇切成小块备用)
Step 4
Crack three eggs, and whisk yolk and egg whites together, add tiny amount of salt for flavor. In a heated skillet, add avocado oil, stir fry egg thoroughly into small chucks. (将3个鸡蛋打散,加入少许盐调味。起锅烧油将鸡蛋炒散。)
Step 5
In a heated skillet, add avocado oil. Add prepped chicken to the skillet, and stir fry till chicken changed to deep color or thoroughly cooked. Remove cooked chicken from skillet. (起锅烧油,加入腌制好的鸡肉,翻炒至金黄色捞出备有。)
Step 6
Heat the skillet over medium-high heat, add avocado oil. Add cut cabbage and carrots to the skillet and stir fry for 5 minutes. Add some salt for flavor. Add minced garlic and mushroom, thoroughly mix ingredients together. (起锅烧油,将切好的包菜和胡萝卜加入锅中翻炒5分钟,加入少许盐调味。加入蒜末和香菇翻炒均匀。)
Step 7
Add cooked egg and chicken to the mix, thoroughly mix together. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, and mushroom powder for flavor. (锅中加入炒好的鸡蛋和鸡肉,翻炒均匀。加入蚝油、酱油、和菌菇粉调味。)