Orzo with Roasted Butternut Squash and Spinachallsmilz@gmail.comOrzo with Roasted Butternut Squash and Spinach1 ingredients · 30minGarlic Butter Shrimp and Rice Stackallsmilz@gmail.comGarlic Butter Shrimp and Rice Stack12 ingredientsHummingbird Bread with a heavenly Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frostingallsmilz@gmail.comHummingbird Bread with a heavenly Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting19 ingredients · 1h 10minGarlic Butter Baked Scallopsallsmilz@gmail.comGarlic Butter Baked Scallops10 ingredients · 30minRich French Onion Soup with Tender Beef Short Ribs and Gruyère Cheese Toastallsmilz@gmail.comRich French Onion Soup with Tender Beef Short Ribs and Gruyère Cheese Toast17 ingredients · 7h 20minCaprese Pasta Salad100%allsmilz@gmail.comCaprese Pasta Salad9 ingredientsTeriyaki Beef and Avocado Rice Stackallsmilz@gmail.comTeriyaki Beef and Avocado Rice Stack12 ingredientsshrimp with tomatoes and warm spicesallsmilz@gmail.comshrimp with tomatoes and warm spices8 ingredients · 1h 40minour college crawfish pastaallsmilz@gmail.comour college crawfish pasta8 ingredientscoconut rice100%allsmilz@gmail.comcoconut rice2 ingredients100%allsmilz@gmail.comScallop and Spinach Salad8 ingredients